Average price per square foot for Orlando FL was $108, an increase of 20% compared to the same period last year. The median sales price for homes in Orlando FL for Dec 13 to Mar 14 was $155,000 based on 1,951 home sales. Compared to the same period one year ago, the median home sales price increased 10.7%, or $15,000, and the number of home sales decreased 20.5%. There are currently 4,226 resale and new homes in Orlando on Trulia, including 53 open houses, as well as 14,933 homes in the pre-foreclosure, auction, or bank-owned stages of the foreclosure process. The average listing price for homes for sale in Orlando FL was $278,299 for the week ending Mar 12, which represents a decrease of 0.2%, or $585, compared to the prior week. Popular neighborhoods in Orlando include Meadow Woods and Pine Hills, with average listing prices of $217,145 and $74,536.

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